Do You Know Your Destiny?

Everyone of us is born to fulfill a purpose in their lives. The key is figuring out what that purpose is and avoiding the pitfalls of life that create road blocks along the journey. Determining the direction to your purpose is <!—more—>easy. It’s tied to...

How To Tap Into Your Inner Energy

Enthusiasm is contagious. When you spend a lot of time around someone who is up-beat and excited about life you get a kind of contact-high and it inspires you to action. That energy is what makes motivational speakers so effective. If you’ve ever been to a great...

The Secret of Success

  [youtube][/youtube]We are all alike in so many ways, but there is one quality that differentiates a few people from the majority — one personality trait that sets them apart from the masses. If...

Are You Clueless?

I’ve spent a lot of time over the past several years looking at relationships and I discovered a major reason that a lot of them fail — Sometimes we are just clueless. How many times have you met someone and thought,”Wow, this could really be...

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