Everyone of us is born to fulfill a purpose in their lives. The key is figuring out what that purpose is and avoiding the pitfalls of life that create road blocks along the journey. Determining the direction to your purpose is <!—more—>easy. It’s tied to your childhood hopes and dreams. You may not see the complete picture, but if you think about it, you can remember moments that touched your passion — a story, event or activity — a time in your life that embraced your soul or made you feel more alive. Take the time to remember, stir your passion — dream, and when you do, your insight will reveal the right direction. Once you see the right path, you have to take action, open some new doors and close others. Closing doors, that’s the hard part — letting go. I’m not talking about material things or even relationships though you may need to let go of some of those along the way. I’m talking about anger, fear, grief — pain. They fester in your soul and hold you captive. You don’t always see them clearly because they wear disguises and distort your perception of who you are. Self aversion that hides behind compulsions like dieting, shopping or even exercising. Damaged self worth that cuts to your heart and hurts when people graze it with casual remarks. Insecurity that masks itself in obsessions with titles, power and possessions. Psychological bondage warps our perspective of ourselves and prevents us from finding our purpose and living our dreams. It’s not an easy path to walk. It’s uncomfortable and even scary. That’s why we mindlessly defend ourselves in our pain, even when we want to change. The emotional you says the pain is valid and the intellectual you has the proof because of what happened to you. It’s easier to fall into toxic patterns that keep us in a fractured image of who we are — a false persona. Change is never easy, but if you let go and move in the right direction, it will make a profound difference in your life. I love quotes, not only because I have found them to be true, but because it shows that others have walked these paths before. This quote by Oprah Winfrey captures my vision.

“I believe there’s a calling for all of us. I know that every human being has value and purpose. The real work of our lives is to become aware. And awakened. To answer the call.”

Every one of us is born to our divine purpose and we only get one chance to live that life. The time to live your life is now. The clock is ticking. Don’t let the moments of your life slip away. Discover who you are and were always meant to be. Follow your dreams!


Source: Yourtube & Oprah.com



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