Do You Want To Know The Honest Truth?

There is a right way and a wrong way to move forward when you realize that a relationship isn’t what you imagined or hoped for. Everyone knows the difference between right and wrong, but we don’t always choose the right path … then again, is the...

How To Get The Best—Every Time.

Ever wonder why history repeats itself? While I can’t shed light on howthe whole concept relates to world history, I have a pretty good insite on why we find ourselves continually making the same mistakes over and over again — especially when it comes to...

Are You Courageous?

  [youtube][/youtube] The purest source of power isn’t maintained in fear. It thrives in love, so have the courage to live by that standard! Sure, courage can seem totally elusive at times, but the distinction...

How Do You Find Real Power?

  This seems a fitting day for me to be writing about powerlessness. It’s my son Adam’s 21st birthday. His best friends are here, joyously celebrating legal adulthood€”except that none of them will ever quite be a legal adult. They were all born with...

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