
The purest source of power isn’t maintained in fear. It thrives in love, so have the courage to live by that standard! Sure, courage can seem totally elusive at times, but the distinction between a courageous person and a coward is an aberration. A coward is disabled by fear. Courageous people aren’t impervious to fear; they simply resolved to move forward in spite of it. Courage is a decision not an attribute.

Throughout most of my life, I had unintentionally programmed myself with self-doubt and insecurity. I somehow lost sight that others were just like me, facing hurt, fear, loss and disappointment. I silently struggled, lost in the notion that I was somehow different. My angst was greater or my problems worse, so I justified my internal walls. An inner voice reinforced my belief system, but that voice was not who I am. Self -empowerment helped me to recapture the woman I was always meant to be.  Don’t empower others to control your life.

I love this video of “Back To The Future” but the main purpose of the YouTube video is to let you hear “The Power of Love” while you read Martha’s final comments on the subject, so click the video and enjoy.

Each of my clients eventually made the shift: In Mindy’s case, empowerment took the form of staging an intervention for her daughter. Denise used her power to leave her hated job, even in today’s scary economy. Paula checked into a hotel for three days of rest, then returned to her family with the determination that her own needs counted as much as anyone else’s. Each of them felt the power of compassion flowing through them as they aligned themselves with love.

Power comes from actions like these, and the infinite small choices between love and fear. Today, pay close attention: Are you following the gripping energy of fear or the liberating energy of love? My own to-do list includes writing this column, calling clients, answering approximately 4,687,977 e-mails, and preparing a speech. Instead, I allowed myself to choose what my heart dictated. I baked a cake for five “handicapped” young people, and held on to a very old beagle while I let him go. It might not look like much from the outside, but I know power when I feel it.

Thanks Martha for your words of wisdom and to all of my fans, have a wonderful weekend … Casi


Source: marthabeck.comoprah.com

Martha Beck is the author of six books; her most recent is Steering by Starlight (Rodale).



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