Are You A Dreamer?

[youtube][/youtube]What happens to the dreams we have as children to the wide eyed innocence and the belief that fairy tales can come true? It’s sad to see young adults jaded about their future,...

Are You Beautiful?

[youtube][/youtube]I was feeling a little lonely the other night so I went into a restaurant, sat down at the bar and ordered dinner. Not being one to strike up a conversation with strangers, I sat  alone, lost in my own...

Believe This!

[youtube][/youtube]I got an email from a friend of mine the other day and I can’t seem to let it go. She is a beautiful woman, inside and out, but has been beaten down so many times her spirit is deflated. It’s...

Is Happiness Really Elusive?

[youtube][/youtube]Happiness is an elusive butterfly. Like a child chases the mystical insect, the pursuit of happiness is the primary focus of our lives and the driving force behind most decisions we make. We begin things in...

Empower Yourself

[youtube][/youtube] “Sing as though no one can hear you, Dance as though no one is watching you, Love as though you have never been hurt.” Someone who was once very close to me gave me a plaque quoting these...

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