Did You Know?

Did you know that Lake Sidney Lanier, Georgia’s famous man-made lake, is deeper than the Statue of Liberty is tall. The depth at Buford Dam is 211 feet. The lake tookfive years to reach full pool submerging entire towns,homes, bridges, old county roads, and...

What’s In Your Character?

  I am not a perfect friend. With the best intentions, I still forget birthdays, lag with email  returns, fall short on connecting through social media.  I’m not a coddler or a social butterfly, but I’m there in a heartbeat when a friend needs me....

The More Things Change

  Dear Rachel, I look forward to your marriage and lovingly pass this advice to you. Ask not for perfection in your mate. You will not find it, and it’s just as well. Living with a saint can be very tiresome. Let your love be stronger than your hate or...
The 7-7-7 Game with Beneath The Lake

The 7-7-7 Game with Beneath The Lake

  Lake Lanier, GA is the setting for my new time travel  romance, Beneath The Lake. Linda Joyce  tagged me to play The 7-7-7- Game. Please check out  her blog  and read her seven lines of Bayou Born,  the first novel in her Fleur de Lis series  which will make...
Why Take The Chance?

Why Take The Chance?

  Have you ever dreamed about what your life would have been like if you had only changed just one big decision? Just think about it. What if you had a do-over — got that one chance to go back in time and take the other fork in the road — the one that could have...
Take A Moment-It Could Change Your Life!

Take A Moment-It Could Change Your Life!

  Busy lives have us dashing from one appointment to the next with a seemingly endless to-do list.  Life can be so hectic.  We have to be here, then be there — sometimes it’s hard to slow down long enough to catch our breath and ‘just be’ — to...

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