Kam Brooks Reviews “Beneath the Lake”

Kam Brooks Reviews “Beneath the Lake”

Kam Brooks Reviews “Beneath the Lake” “If you enjoyed the movie The Lake House (starring Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock, 2006) then you’ll absolutely adore this novel. Two destined souls, from two different time periods, united (or reunited in...

Moments That Take Our Breath Away

  Moments That Take Our Breath Away Was it Vicki Corona who first coined the phrase: Life Is Not Measured By the Number of Breaths We Take, But By the Moments That Take Our Breath Away? I can’t remember where I first heard the quote, but the sentiment has...

Love Your Life

  Quote of the week:  As a child, I dreamed of castles and kings, a magical future that would sweep me away to my happily ever after, but life can smother childhood dreams. I hid in the shadows, battered by the bully I saw in the mirror, and wrapped my life...
Casi McLean

Casi McLean

When Breaking Bad Is Good No oneintentionally searches for bad or hurtful situations, but forsome,relationships can slip into a constant spin cycle ofrinse and repeat. When people actually attract bad-boys,evil-divas, orself-absorbed jerks, it’s time to take a...

Did You Know?

Did you know that Lake Sidney Lanier, Georgia’s famous man-made lake, is deeper than the Statue of Liberty is tall. The depth at Buford Dam is 211 feet. The lake tookfive years to reach full pool submerging entire towns,homes, bridges, old county roads, and...

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