Kam Brooks Reviews “Beneath the Lake”

“If you enjoyed the movie The Lake House (starring Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock, 2006) then you’ll absolutely adore this novel. Two destined souls, from two different time periods, united (or reunited in their case) through a chain of events. Like the movie, it was sweet, romantic, and had a HEA.

But the story doesn’t end when the soul mates find their way back to each. No, Casi had a couple more surprises up her sleeve which kept me engaged to the very end. I truly believe it’ll have the same effect on you.

Great story and a true delight to read.

Heart Rating System – 1 (lowest) and 5 (highest)

Score: â¤â¤â¤â¤

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A man and woman standing next to each other.
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A final thud hurled him backward, flailing through brush and thickets like a rag doll. Grasping at anything to break momentum, Rob’s hand clung to a branch wedged into the face of the precipice. Spiny splinters sliced his skin. Blood oozed and trickled into his palms, and one by one, his fingers slowly slipped.

A sharp crack echoed through the silence of the ravine as the bough succumbed to his weight. He plummeted into free-fall. Clenching his eyes, he drew in a deep breath, terrified of the pain, the mauling that waited on the jagged rocks below.

When icy water broke his fall, the chill kept him from losing consciousness. He spun, straining to see, but darkness enveloped him. Soggy clothing pulled him deeper–deeper into the murky, fathomless depths. He wrestled to squirm free from the waterlogged jacket dragging him down to a watery grave, watched the coat disappear into black obscurity. Panic gripped his stomach, or was it death that snaked around his chest, squeezing, squeezing, squeezing the air, the life from his body? Lack of oxygen burned his lungs, beckoning surrender, and a shard of rage pierced his gut as reality set in. He lunged upward with one last thrust and burst from the water’s deadly grip, gasping for air. A gurgling howl spewed from the depths of his soul and echoed into silence.

Sunlight shimmered across a smooth, indigo lake, but aside from the slight ripples of his own paddling, nothing but stillness surrounded him. He floated toward the shore, sucking deep breaths into his lungs until the pummeling in his chest subsided. When he reached the water’s edge, he hoisted his body onto the soft red clay and collapsed while the sun’s warmth drained the tension from his body.

No one knew he had survived. The rules had shifted. Now he could reinvent himself, become a stealth predator. His target: Lacey Madison Montgomery.


Get to know Casi:

A top pick for night owl reviews
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Casi McLean’s fascination with writing flourished even before she learned to read. At three she beamed with anecdotes entertaining family and friends and, at eight years old, had published her first short story, The Apron String Captain. But when her fourth grade teacher read aloud Madeleine L’Engle’s “A Wrinkle In Time” Casi’s creativity spun into high gear and she knew she was destined to pen novels of her own.

Casi grew up in McLean, Virginia, a suburban Washington DC. After graduating from the University of Georgia, with a major in design and a minor in education, she returned to Virginia to teach English and creative writing. Now the mother of two adult sons, Casi lives in Atlanta. where she writes stories to stir the soul with mystery, fantasy, and romance.

Beneath The Lake, her debut novel and the first book of a time travel trilogy, follows her five mystical novelettes released in 2014 and reveals the quintessential manifestation of Casi’s imagination sparked by her childhood dreams.

(request submitted by author for an honest critique)

Email: [email protected]

Website: casimclean.com

Twitter: @casimclean

Facebook: Casi McLean

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Amazon Author Page: Casi McLean


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