Do you need PASSION in your life?

Have you ever wondered what makes you … you? Think about it. What is it about you that sets you apart and makes you unique? I’m not talking about your profession or accomplishments … not your house, car or bank account. I don’t mean the roles...

Can You Make a Difference?

  [youtube][/youtube] To a Child – Love is spelled T-I-M-E: What a great story! You never know just how much you touch the lives of those...

Wingless Butterfly

  Wingless Butterfly (Excerpt) Chapter 1 Her warning still echoed in my mind. He’s the kind of man that pulls wings off of butterflies. The faceless man had haunted me for as long as I could remember. I shuddered and clenched my eyes as tightly as I could,...

Why Are Women Attracted To Jerks?

I went out on YouTube the other day and searched for “dating jerks.” I was truly amazed at how many videos were out there. The most common question was “Why are women attracted to jerks?” In light of my research, I thought I would answer the...

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