Secrets Revealed: How I Became A Jerk-Magnet

[youtube][/youtube]Casi McLean talks about the story behind her new book, Wingless Butterfly——Confessions of a Recovering Jerk-Magnet as Point.Click.Shoot, Atlanta’s own cutting-edge multimedia production company,...

Still Looking for the Right One?

[youtube][/youtube]With a smorgasbord of over 93 million single adults in America alone, one would think it would be easy to find their soul mate, but how do you know when you’ve found the right one? While there are no...

Just In Time!

[youtube][/youtube]They say that time heals all wounds, but they are wrong! Time doesn’t really heal anything. It just helps us to forget and generally that’s not a bad thing. Pain can stop us in our tracks and...

Are You A Dreamer?

[youtube][/youtube]What happens to the dreams we have as children to the wide eyed innocence and the belief that fairy tales can come true? It’s sad to see young adults jaded about their future,...

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