While updating my website the other day, I ran across a letter that restored my belief in what we do makes a difference. My first book, Wingless Butterfly, launched my writing career. Who knew I’d drift from an inspirational memoir to time travel, mystery, ghosts and romantic suspense. I can’ only hope my writing will touch someone’s life as much as teaching seventh and eighth grade. I had to share Patty’s message, whose faith in me came from my faith in her. It’s amazing how we make a difference in peoples lives. 


“Please check out the link below detailing my close friend, Casi McLean’s, new book, “Wingless Butterfly” The reviews are phenomenal!!! Casi, was in fact, my “favorite” teacher. I don’t know if any of you were fortunate enough to have a teacher who believed in your abilities and inspired you as Casi did for me. Casi was my 7th grade English teacher. She saw something in me that made me feel confident & proud. Because of her, I pursued a degree in Journalism/Public Relations at the University of GA (where she attended college).

I can’t express how much this woman influenced my life. I kept in contact with her after middle school, and she trusted me to babysit her son (now married). When I went away to college, we lost touch. About a year ago, we reconnected through Facebook.  It was then that she told me that she had left teaching to pursue other dreams, she became an author. Through writing this book, which is a memoir of her past, she has become an Inspirational Speaker throughout Atlanta & nationwide.


“Casi’s message is simple. No matter what happened in your past, believe in yourself and know that YOU make a difference in this world. It would mean a great deal to me if you would click on the links below.  If her message doesn’t apply to you, maybe you have a friend who might need that message. Believe me, it would make a difference. You know me. I’m ALL ABOUT friends helping friends, but I truly believe she has a message that could help many others. Thanks in advance for you help in spreading her message!”

Can you remember a time in your life where you made a difference? If you can’t, don’t fret. You probably made a difference in more ways than you could ever realize,



Casi’s Blog.

Casi McLean’s Amazon author page

Casi’s Books



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