There’s something magical about awakening to a world blanketed in snow, especially when it’s an unusual occurrence. Picturesque perfection unscathed by human hands. It instills a sense of calm satisfaction. We <!—more—>can sit back and take a breath, relinquish ourselves from the hustle-bustle of day-to-day agenda, and reflect inward. The silent solitude opens a portal to our souls where we can tap into forgotten dreams and peer down roads not taken. We are not destined to submit to what life throws in our paths, but when we live on autopilot, passion dwindles and we loose focus. It’s important to find time amongst the chaos to rejuvenate — Check the compass and adjust our course so we don’t loose our way. It’s like re-booting our lives and getting rid of the virus’ that can make us crash. Where are you headed? Is the direction in sync with your hopes and dreams? Do your relationships encourage, support and nourish you, or are they toxic, negative and draining?  The choices you make determine your destiny, so it is important to choose wisely. Life is a gift, but limited in duration. Don’t wait until the end of the ride to discover it is the journey and not the destination that is the essence of the time we have on earth. Remember the childhood fairy tale, Rip Van Winkle? It is a fantasy story about a man who fell asleep for 20 years and woke up to find much of his life behind him. The story reminds us that time is fleeting. Still, like Rip Van Winkle, too many people drift through their lives with no direction, like a ship without a port, only to awaken with regret for the years they lost. Take a moment to reflect on where you are from time to time. Check your bearings and plot a course that will follow your dreams. If you are in a dead end job or toxic relationship, cut your losses and change direction. Whether you aware of it or not, you have the exact life you want. Maybe not the life you desire, but the one you want, because the choices are always up to you! The time to live is now! It’s truly all we ever have, so live each day — each moment with a focus on your heart’s desire. Have a wonderful weekend! Casi


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