Change Your Pattern
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People may laugh, but there really is such a thing as a Jerk-magnet! It all comes down to patterns. You’ll never understand why you keep making the same mistakes as long as you keep making the same mistakes. Sounds a little redundant, right? It’s a simple concept though. Think about a mouse in a maze. If you put a mouse in a maze and he experiences pain when he runs in certain directions, he quickly learns to avoid those paths. So why can’t we just learn to stop dating Jerks?  I may not be a genius, but I’m certainly smarter than a rodent!

No one is destined to repeat the same mistakes over and over. You can break the pattern if you can just figure out what the pattern is. In my experience, my choices were directly related to my past and subsequent damaged self-image. When I looked at my past relationships, the pattern became crystal clear, but until I figured it all out, I was destined to continually run down the same path in my maze.

You’re not looking for them, but on some level your self-image may be attracted to them … the bad boys … the hot athletes … the self-absorbed jerks. Everyone has a story and they are all different, but the resulting damage is really pretty similar. Face it, nobody can FIX you. You have to make a conscious decision to make changes in your life and follow through with them. There is a lot of information out there to help you. Try really looking at yourself. You may be surprised at what you can figure out. What is it in these men/women that attract you?

So take a chance. Break your pattern and you just might find the love of your life.

My book, “Wingless Butterfly” will give you the gory details of my screwed up relationships, so watch for the release date.



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