Josh & Lacie
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Finding someone you are attracted to is easy. Chemistry and lust are as primal as it gets. The creator’s genius was at it’s best when he made it feel so incredible to carry on the species, but love, that’s another story.

Love is an endless topic that has been the core of songs, books and stories through out the ages. Despite the incredible divorce rates and rising domestic violence, people still believe it’s possible to find, and stay in love. The power of love has a hold on humanity, but somewhere, the definition of love has gotten lost.

It’s never easy, but if chemistry draws you together and all of the puzzle pieces are there, I am convinced it is well worth the effort. The thing is, it’s easy to fall in love … the trick is staying in love, but like “magic”, tricks are easy if you know the secret of how they are done! The secret to love is to LOVE your partner. That’s right, the first step is to remember the definition of love.

The single most important ingredient to staying in love is to make your partner your priority! Put him or her FIRST. People give up too easily these days. When things get tough, we bail. The secret to staying in love is simple, but you have to remember what love is and why you fell in love in the first place.

Love requires patience, trust, honesty, communication, and self-restraint. There will always be temptations, but if you are lucky enough to find someone who fits your dreams, you need to have enough strength of character to walk away from enticement. Love is the greatest gift life has to offer and never worth compromising for spontaneous self-gratification!

The picture you see in this post is my son, Josh and his fiance, Lacie. They are getting married this Friday night and I believe they have the key to keeping their love alive! Josh and Lacie truly love each other, but more than that, they each put the other person first! I’d like to believe that somehow I played a part in Josh’s perception of love. I know he has learned through my experiences as well as his own, but the bottom line is, HE GETS IT! And the good news is his fiance does too! Josh and Lacie will be a success story … you can be too!

Here’s to Josh and Lacie … Congrats baby! I love you both!


Source: Love, by Andy Stanley



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