Take a Moment

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vX07j9SDFcc Loss is never easy regardless of the circumstances. When your life is bombarded with loss repeatedly in a short span of time it creates a kind of perfect storm within. You can’t just tough it out, push it down deep...

Scared Stiff? Try This…

Most of us have seen a scary movie. The adrenalin surge evoked when the light glows off of the sharp knife in the background or when the figure lurking in the shadows springs out at it’s victim is the same feeling we get in life circumstances. Fear is a natural...

How To Determine Your REAL Age

If you live with passion, your life can be filled with beauty, hope, love and happiness. Like looking at life through the eyes of a child, you’ll see the wonder of the world. If you surround yourself with inspiration and words of wisdom, your passion can...

Are You Handcuffed?

William Ward once said, “Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the handcuffs of hate.” … Everyone deserves forgiveness, but when the pain is so valid, it’s not always easy to let it go. We all get hurt. It’s part of being human and totally...

You Can Make A Difference?

Inspiration comes from the strangest places. If you look for it, you’ll find it everywhere you go. It goes hand-in-hand with<!—more—> attitude and how you look at things. Just a few days ago, Jace, my youngest son, told me he “didn’t really get...

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