Reaching out to others
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After years of tripping over my own best intentions, I finally made a conscious decision to take control of my life and happiness. I walked away from my past and refused to be a victim. It just doesn’t make sense to empower others to control my destiny. Instead I chose to look at my past as stepping stones. I wasn’t really sure how to start, but I knew negative thinking held me captive, so I began to immerse myself in positive, self-improvement books, television and lectures. I tried to put myself in situations that would bolster my self-image. It didn’t happen overnight, but it did happen, and somewhere along the way, I discovered a simple way to take the focus off of my own problems.

Our society is hungry for the sensational, but unfortunately it is the bad news that draws the most interest and the media is filled with it. The negative aspects of humanity are constantly in the news; death and destruction, terrorist assaults, mass murders, suicides, people gone missing, scams and plots … we can’t escape the barrage of negative, depressing information. Much of our entertainment is focused on fear and violence, from children’s video games to television and movies. We see and hear it so often that we have become de-sensitized to its impact on us.

It is unusual for us to see simple acts of kindness and we are often taken back when someone extends them to us. It’s easy to find pleasure in life capriciously when we show appreciation, respect and love for others. Simple acts of kindness can bring more joy to the benefactor than to the recipient. Many people believe that one person can’t really make a difference, but I believe they can. Remember what I said a few days ago … an unexpected smile or a soft touch can brighten someone’s day. An unsolicited, sincere complement or showing honest interest in someone can encourage them, and taking the time and effort to listen can dry a tear or boost someone’s self-image.

If we slow down and consider others, we can make an intense and positive impact on those around us. The best part about kindness and concern for other people is when we focus on others, it deemphasizes our own problems. When you help others, you feel a sense of joy within yourself. I have found the simplest antidote to personal pain is to take an interest in other people. Pain is self-centered and it is difficult to think about yourself when you are focused on helping someone else. Who knows, you could have a kind of pay-it-forward snowball effect with those whose lives you touch.


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