[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hEoc7Cr-is&feature=fvw[/youtube]We are all alike in so many ways, but there is one quality that differentiates a few people from the majority — one personality trait that sets them apart from the masses. If you’ve ever asked the question, “Why me?” then you need to read on. Every one of us has the ability to be successful, to follow our dreams and to be happy. We’ve all asked the question “Why do bad things happen to good people?” When we see all of the tragedy in the world, its hard to understand why people have to suffer. I certainly don’t have the answers to those questions, but I do know that bad things that happen aren’t selective. They can happen to anyone at any time.Your life can turn on a dime — in any direction and many times we have little control over it. We can’t control what other people do or say. We can’t control most of the little things that happen to us or our loved ones — let alone the major events in the world. The only thing we can control within us is our thoughts and our reaction — our attitude. The way we react to what happens around us is a powerful tool not only to ourselves, but to the lives we touch. If you look at successful people, they all have one thing in common, and that is their attitude. I wanted to share with you this video of Will Smith to show you a wonderful example of positive attitude. The truth is, there are so many examples around us every day. Take the time to look. A toddler who falls down, but gets up and tries again or a young child who struck out, but ended up hitting the game winning run. We can learn a lot from our children. People often are taken back at all of the pain and violence in the world, and I can’t argue with that. There is way too much and the media sensationalizes it and drops it in front of us. But if you take the time to look around and observe, the positive influences are abundant. To have a positive attitude you have to surround yourself with positive influences. Look for them — because ATTITUDE isn’t anything — its everything! Casi


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