Casi McLean’s Beyond the Mist Reviews Continue to be Stellar

Book two in Casi McLean’s Lake Lanier Mysteries series, Beyond the Mist, continues to gets stellar reviews. Why? Because the nail-biter grabs readers and won’t let go. Don’t take my word for that. Simply scroll through the reviews. the mysterious time portal beneath Lake Lanier lures hero, Nick Cramer into its grasp, thrusting him on a tumultuous ride to new York circa 2001. To save the life of a former girlfriend, he alters the past and spins the space time continuum into a chaotic alternate history with consequences beyond his wildest dreams.


Piper Taylor concedes she’ll never fall in love, until a treacherous storm spirals her into the arms of the handsome Nick Cramer. Unrelenting remorse over a past relationship haunts Nick, but he can’t deny the mysterious connection and hot desire Piper evokes.

The allure of a secret portal hidden beneath Atlanta’s Lake Lanier tempts him into seizing the opportunity to change his mistakes. But his time slip triggers consequences beyond his wildest dreams.

Can Piper avoid the international espionage and terrorism of 2001 New York, find Nick, and bring him home before he alters the fabric of time, or will the lovers drift forever Beyond The Mist?

Remembering the 911 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center with Beyond the Mist reviews
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A five star rating system with the stars in front of each other.
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By Showmethelove on September 17, 2017

Beyond the Mist, the sequel to Beneath the Lake poses the question of what might happen if you could go back to the harrowing day of September 11th? CAN you change history? SHOULD you change history?

It poses the further question of what may happen to our world if we as a society cannot decide to solve issues with discussion rather than violence.

Don’t we all wish we could go back and fix the wrongs we have done to those we care for?

All of the familiar characters from Beneath the Lake are present but Nick has unfinished business with his old girlfriend, Carly.

Without spoiling any of the great moments of this story I will tell you the following:

As a native New Yorker and a Manhattanite, everything about September 11th is etched into my brain. The sights the smells the stupid details-everything.
Reliving it in a small way in this story, I was pulled into the feelings of Nick when he realizes he can travel back to that fateful day via the power of Lake Lanier’s turbulent depths and the genius of Sandy and “Tess.”

Casi McLean does a great job catching the reader up with the aftermath of the first story and the buildup to Nick’s journey.
All I can say is once I started reading, I couldn’t stop turning the pages. I was mesmerized to the point that I missed my stop on the subway! The story builds as the reader and Nick relive that gut wrenching day and he tries to right the wrong he’s convinced he has done.

Beyond the Mist is a story about the steadfast love, how good people strive to honor the living and the dead, the powerful grip of guilt and memory and the blessing of redemption.

Favorite line: “The wind at the tower felt more like an entity, a presence constantly murmuring its own secret song.”


A five star rating system with the stars in front of each other.
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Petula rated it it was amazing ‚ Sep 14, 2017  

Nick Cramer has always blamed himself for his girlfriend dying in the 9/11 attacks. Now he has a chance of going back in time and saving her. He has been told it’s wrong to tamper with the timeline, so he will go in secret.

Piper Taylor has been at her best friend’s hospital bedside for a week while she has been unconscious. Now she knows her friend is recovering, it’s time to find Nick.

You have to concentrate when you’re reading this because our characters are messing about with time and causing all sorts of chaos. Our hero is a good man with his heart in the right place but is rather impetuous. Our brave heroine will go through hell to make things right for everyone. I can’t really tell you more about it without disrupting the space-time continuum.

This is the second book in the series. I haven’t read the first, but still understood what was happening. I think I would have liked to read the other first because this one has spoilers for it. There is a little teaser at the end for book three and I can’t wait to read it.

A five star rating system with the stars in front of each other.
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Sep 03, 2017 Dianne

paranormal-romance, owntime-travel, great-dialogue, author-requested-review

Lake Lanier holds the secrets of timebeneath its surface and for one family who has become its protectors and stewards, it is their own lifeline to the past. For confirmed single girl Piper Taylor and the handsome Nick Cramer, a brutal storm on a dark night makes the perfect, if unusual backdrop for attraction, past regrets, and determination.

Nick knows he has found a special someone in Piper, but in his past is a woman he let down and she died, a brutal and terrifying death. Knowing the magic of Lake Lanier, Nick braves the depths to return to the year 2001, just before the horrors of 9/11. Will Nick try to change history to assuage his guilt? He must be stopped and Piper has volunteered to travel back, but this time, her journey will be through an untried machine that could leave her lost in time or worse.

Can Piper stop Nick from destroying the fabric of time?

He’s changing history and altering the future? BEYOND THE MIST by Casi McLean takes us back to the nightmare of the 9/11 attacks, the brutality of innocent lives lost and a race against time itself as Piper risks everything, including her heart to bring Nick home before he alters time.

The idea of time travel, of being able to go back and undo past mistakes is something we have all thought about in one way or another. But we have all realized that one tiny change risks the butterfly effect.

Casi McLean’s tale is romantic, intriguing and her characters are endearing. Some we have met before, but one can see they are the heart and soul of a magical tale that is almost timeless! Fabulous writing and an opportunity to imagine what you would do, what you would risk to fix the past, or if you are strong enough to leave history as it stands.

Liza O’Connor  Review of Beyond the Mist by Casi McLean September 14, 2017

Warning: This book might traumatize you from true past events. I feel quite stressed as I write this.

This is, without doubt, the darkest time travel novel I have ever read. It is also the most complex with the future and the past constantly changing with upsetting results.

But that being said, I never stopped reading. The story is well written and has a real message for the world to take heed. Our current situation is very close to self-annihilation. And unlike the story, we have no ability to undo any disasters in our future once they occur.

You probably shouldn’t read this late at night. I probably won’t get a bit of sleep tonight. However, it is absolutely worth reading, just don’t expect it to be fun. But I do expect you’ll keep reading.


A five star rating system with the stars in front of each other.
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Review for Casi McLean’s Beyond the Mist By Tena Stetler

Dedicated to the victims of the September 11, 21 terrorist attack on United States soil, Beyond the Mist was written with author Casi McLean’s deepest respect and compassion for their families and friends.  That being said, this tale is an exciting fictional prospective of the possibilities of time travel and bad decisions made for the right reasons.

Beyond the Mist returns to a tiny hamlet nestled in the north Georgia Mountains and the eerie Lake Lanier.  Is it cursed or is something else going on here? A prototype time machine perhaps taking advantage of a seismic shift creating a portal though time in Lake Lanier? Unauthorized use can cause unbelievable consequences to the timeline for those involved and those not.

Nick Cramer blames himself for the death of former girlfriend, Carly Patterson.

If only he could go back in time to right his perceived wrong. Piper Taylor is willing to risk her life to save Nick from himself and the disastrous results of his actions during his time-slip to 2001. Can they correct results of Nick’s well-meaning actions in time to set the timeline on the right path? Will Nick realize that Piper is may well be his destiny?

The events swirl around the days leading up to and during September 11, 2001.  The actions of the character’s will keep you enthralled until the very last page.

I loved this book! An exciting, unique tale of time travel adventure with second chances at true love. Twists and turns in Beyond the Mist will keep you flipping pages until the end when you close the book and wonder what’s next in the world beyond the mist.

Let’s take a peek between the pages of Beyond the Mist.

A soft mist hovered over the moonlit lake, beckoning, luring him forward with the seductive enticement of a mermaid’s song. Rhythmic clatter of a distant train moaned in harmony with a symphony of cricket chirps and croaking frogs. Spellbound, Nick Cramer took a long breath and waded deeper into the murky cove.

Dank air, laden with a scent of soggy earth and pine, crawled across his bare arms. The hairs on the back of his neck bristled, shooting a prickle down his spine that slithered into an icy pool coiled in the pit of his stomach. He clenched his fingers into a tight fist, determined to fight through the emotion consuming him. Fear sliced through his belly like icy shards until he finally heaved, forcing rancid bile to choke into his throat.

I have to do this he inched forward only a few more steps and…

A sudden surge swirled around him, yanking him into a whirling vortex, where a violent blue streak dragged him deeper, deeper beneath the lake into the shadowy depths. Heart pounding, he battled against the force, twisting, thrusting toward the surface with all of his strength but, despite his muscular build, he spun like a feather in wind into oblivion. When the mist dissolved, Nick Cramer had vanished.

Darkness consumed him, a cyclone spinning, twisting Nick as he ripped through an endless void.

His lungs burned for oxygen. He could hold his breath no longer, and relinquished his resolve, but he felt no pain. Instead, a sense of serenity encircled him as if he were floating, weightless, breathless, helpless on a cloud of warm air, then the abyss abruptly imploded. Pierced by a brilliant violet-blue light that shattered into a kaleidoscope of color, the tempest hurtled him, whirling, snaking boundlessly until he finally burst through the surface, gasping for air.

He filled his lungs to capacity, breathed in and out several times before opening his eyes to assimilate the greenish blur surrounding him. Instinctively dogpaddling to stay afloat, he stared at a rustic old wooden bench situated atop a ridge above until his head stopped swimming. He had survived the tumult that ripped his body through Lord knows what and challenged him physically and emotionally to the limits few men could endure. And for what, to end up exactly where he started?

Noooooo. His blood-curdling moan cut through the silence.

He slapped his hand across the water, scooping a splash that flew around him. There was nothing more he could do. He tried. He risked his life to set things right, to offset the tragic event that had haunted him for eleven years, but he always knew the chance equated to that of a snowball in hell.

Beyond the Mist is available at online retailers including Amazon and The Wild Rose Press.

Check out the trailer of Beyond the Mist  Beyond The Mist ~ star-crossed lovers survive a cyclone of 9/11 terrorism




























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