People often ask me if I’ve discovered the secret to a happy life. The truth is the secret has always been within my grasp––within the grasp of anyone who takes the time and effort to see it. Each of us has the power within us to change the course of our life. The question is are you willing to acknowledge the source that can make it happen––channel your thoughts and actionsto accomplish your goals and pursue your dreams? The forces of positive energy areall around you and if you embrace them, they can dramatically change your life.

Today my guest blogger, Karen Tyrrell, Coordinator of Logan Writers collective and author of ME AND HER: A Memoir of Madness, shares her top ten secrets to capture the magical powerwe all have over our own thoughts.

Thanks Karen for sharing your great ideas with all of my readers!


You ARE What You THINK

By Karen Tyrrell

Each day your internal dialogue dictates how you act and feel. If you can THINK you can do it, your chances multiply exponentially. If you THINK it’s way too hard, then you have no chance at all.

Positive thinking can change the outcome of your day and the way people react towards you.

Positive people generate a optimistic aura or persona around them, attracting more of the ‘good things’ in life including supportive relationships.

How to switch your negative thoughts into positive ones …

· Exercise daily.This produces the feel good hormone, serotonin.

· Give thanks and feel grateful for all that you have.

·Each day write down every positive event or action that has happened to you.

·Visualize good health and healing.

·Change the way you think. This will change the way you feel.

·Open yourself to humour, friendship and love.

·Plant a plant orPet a pet.

·Volunteer By helping others we help ourselves.

·Read inspiring books like the Law of Attraction by Michael J. Losier.

·Positive thinking generates more optimism for the future.

·Believe in yourself . You CAN achieve your dreams

Empower yourself with proactive strategies to BE the person you THINK you ARE.

The Positive Thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.

To learn more about Karen you can visit her website at:


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Casi McLean—USA Today Bestselling Author
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