New York Times Best Selling Author, HAYWOOD SMITH

The Secrets We Keep From Ourselves

When I was forty and run out of the real estate business because of the S&L crisis, I called my friend Carolyn and wailed, “What can I do? I have no college degree, so I can’t even get a job selling computers. My arthritis is so bad I can’t be a greeter at Walmart for the benefits, and I’m so numerically challenged, I can’t even check groceries at Kroger.

Her responce was , “If somebody told you you were going to die in two years, what would you do?”
Before I could even think, I heard my voice say, “I’d write a book and try to get it published.” And suddenly, i knew what I wanted to be: a published author. Amazing, the secrets we keep from ourselves.
She chuckled, then asked gently, “Why are you waiting for a death sentence?”
So that day, I decided to become a writer–full-time, full speed ahead. I loved historical novels, so I decided to write one. I tried to get it published, but nobody wanted a straight historical with no love scenes. So I joined Georgia Romance writers and spent the next seven years learning and doing seven major rewrites, and then having to cut 55,000 words from the finished product. But that book became my first published novel, nominated for four national awards and winning one. Stubborn did that for me, plus a willingness to learn through all those rewrites.


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