Inspiration comes from the strangest places. If you look for it, you’ll find it everywhere you go. It goes hand-in-hand with<!—more—> attitude and how you look at things. Just a few days ago, Jace, my youngest son, told me he “didn’t really get into all that inspiration stuff.” When I asked him what he meant, he said, “You get all excited and feel good about something, want to turn your whole life around, and then — blam — something happens and your back where you started.” My son is very smart. He sees the dynamics of life in play at a very young age. What he doesn’t see is that’s the point. After an amazing motivational speech one day, Zig Ziglar was approached by someone in the audience who said,”Zig, it was a great speech, but … motivation doesn’t last.” Zig replied, “Bathing doesn’t either.” His point is well taken. Surrounding yourself with positive influences and inspiration is as important as anything we do to take care of ourselves and it’s not a one time fix. Just like our cars, we have to fill our tank continually. Attitude is contagious. If we hang around positive people and look for inspiration it will rejuvenate us, but if we are bombarded with bad news and negative attitudes, the infection will consume us. What kind of attitude do you want to catch? Or more importantly, what kind do you want to infect into those you love — your children and friends? I’ve heard it said, “You have the exact life you want to have.” Sometimes that’s hard to conceive — I mean things just happen and we don’t always have a lot of control over them. It’s true that we can’t control what other people do or say, the economy or world events, but we all make choices and decisions every day and those choices direct our paths and create patterns. If we choose wisely, those paths will lead in the right direction. The best way to inspire others is to live your dreams. If we fill our tanks with the best possible mind set, we not only motivate ourselves, but touch everyone we come in contact with. Inspire others and you just might see a change in your own direction. It always comes full circle — a circle of love. Make a difference! Casi Source: Simple Truths & Youtube


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