Dream It, Believe It, Be It
Inspiration is a powerful ally or adversary. If you surround yourself with positive people, it can’t help but rub off on you. The same thing holds true for what you see, hear and read. I am a very positive person, but like everyone, I have moments in my life when I struggle to see the silver lining, so
I am always searching for inspiration to reinforce my outlook on life. I came across this article about following your dreams and wanted to share it with you. It is by Sandra Magsamen. I hope you find it as inspiring as I have.
Sadly, too often, we hear phrases that call for us to get our heads out of the clouds and come down to earth and that ask us to stop dreaming dreams because they will never come true.
Sometimes these voices come from others, and sometimes they come from ourselves. For far too long we have underestimated the power and possibility that life is the act of dreaming what can be and that we all have to do the work it takes to make our dreams a reality.
Each human being is a gift, and we each have our own unique dream and purpose for living. We each must mine our imaginations, creativity and souls to uncover our true purposes and passions.
Our dreams are magic, and if respected, nurtured and honored, they ultimately bring an abundance of meaning and purpose to our lives. Dreams guide us as we reach for the stars, follow our heart’s desire and do the things we are passionate about. Dreams help weave the fabric of who we are, and they reveal what matters most to us. They allow our spirits to shine, and they reflect our uniqueness and authenticity.
Although we sometimes hear the call to put our dreams aside, louder, clearer and more powerful voices remind and connect us to the truth, beauty and wealth of our dreams.
Throughout history, poets, songwriters, novelists, politicians, social activists, countries, companies, presidents, moms, dads and people just like you have expressed the importance of the act of dreaming and of reaching toward those dreams. These voices also inspire and remind us that there is a common thread that connects one heart to another. That thread is the belief and optimism in a brighter future when we embrace and pursue our dreams.
When we look around, we see others who have embraced their dreams, and we admire them. We see the great changes that can come from one person’s commitment, perseverance and belief in her dream. We see the power of dreams manifested around us in our neighborhoods, churches, communities, states, the country and the world.
We, too, want to make our own dreams come true. We all want to connect, to speak from our hearts. We yearn to create dreams as well as things and moments that make our lives worthwhile. We want to convey what words alone cannot as we accomplish our dreams.
Yet, not enough of us even acknowledge the desire to create the lives we imagine or try to make our dreams come true. Too often we diminish the importance of our dreams by saying, “I’ll get to it later” or “It can wait.” Our inner critic can be heard saying, “I’ll never get it accomplished,” “My dream doesn’t really matter” or “I probably can’t do it any way, and people will think it’s silly.”
The truth is, we all need more opportunities to dream, to imagine and to play. We long to feel the sensation of being lost in a moment of joy. To laugh, discover, experiment, invent, feel accomplished and live in the moment.
Dreaming is the way we define what matters to us and what we wish to accomplish and do in the world with this one life.
Beautifully said Sandra, Thanks!
Source: oprah.com