Can You Trust?

[youtube][/youtube]Trust is truly the elusive butterfly of love. When we’ve been hurt, its hard to get back up and try again. Trusting someone, or even trusting our own heart leaves us too vulnerable, so we rationalize,...

Should I Forgive Him/Her?

[youtube][/youtube]One of my friends sent me an email the other day and asked me my thoughts about forgivness. As I see it, we’ve all been wronged, hurt, abandoned and/or betrayed. Most of us could build a great case...

How Big Is Your ‘But’ ???

Today I want to share with you a guest blog that appeared on Nathan Bransford’s web site: Nathan Bransford. Nathan is a literary agent so unless you dabble in the writing arena, you may not have heard of him. The blog was written by Jon Gibbs. A novel and short...

What Do You Want?

  [youtube][/youtube]It has always been my contention that the only failure is not trying at all. If I can’t do something at first glance, I  look for my options and find a way to make things work. What do you do?...

The Secret Weapon That Can Change Your Life

  [youtube][/youtube]It has been said, we have the exact life we want. At first glance, most of us would argue with that statement, but the truth is, it is amazingly accurate. I agree, most of us don’t have the life...

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