Should I Forgive Him/Her?

[youtube][/youtube]One of my friends sent me an email the other day and asked me my thoughts about forgivness. As I see it, we’ve all been wronged, hurt, abandoned and/or betrayed. Most of us could build a great case...

Do You Sabotage Relationships?

  I had dinner last week with a wonderful old friend. We laughed, reminisced and talked about the past including the many relationships we had encountered along the journey of our lives. He mentioned one<!—more—> that struck a chord I could identify with....

Are You Clueless?

I’ve spent a lot of time over the past several years looking at relationships and I discovered a major reason that a lot of them fail — Sometimes we are just clueless. How many times have you met someone and thought,”Wow, this could really be...
Follow Your Dreams

Follow Your Dreams

Throughout my experience, I have discovered most people grow callous over time. They give up on their dreams, on romance and sometimes even on life, but there is a magic we discovered in the fairy tales we were told as a child that yearns to stay alive. Follow your...

How to Survive – and Thrive!

  [youtube][/youtube]Nicole was blind sighted by the man she loved. It happens to all of us at some point in our lives “usually more than once. But you can’t live your life in fear, afraid of moving on and...

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